1.) Treat admins with up most respect. 2.) Do not spam! (What is and what is not spam is determined by the admins present) 3.) Be relatively nice. 4.) Do not use a lot of smilies. 5.) Do not copy someone's name and impersonate them. 6.) Do not make names with insane amounts of wacky text, symbols, and items of that nature. 7.) Please don't use a lot of chat speak. Such as, /w and a lot of 'r's and 'u's please, just type the whole word. 8.) When told to stop doing something by an admin/mod, listen and stop what you are doing. This is not a suggestion. 9.) I asked for a rule suggestion and Gravel said "2 drink minimum." So we will be adding that. 10.) This really applies to the whole site, but no damn drama. No regular drama either.